Tuesday, 29 January 2013

What we're currently doing;

We have finished editing our ots and have completed the sound to go with it, Daniel created two sections of music using a piano which have a very low tone to fit the mood in our ots. We need to re-film a certain section of Daniel and Lewis walking away from the murder to their shed as it was shot too late at night so it has turned out extremely dark and blury as it is unfocused, we plan to shoot this at around 4:30 as this is when it starts to get dark but it is still visable to see what is going on. I read the script of my voice over and recorded it with a Mrantz microphone and uploaded it to our Imovie and we are currently cutting and editing that voice clip.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Our roles in the ots;

Lucy Easton;

I am the editor, Camera operator, Planner of the shots and angles used, Costume designer, choice of Locations and Actress.

Daniel Osborne; 

Daniel is the Director, Co-editor,  Head of sound and music, Camera operator, Set designer, Writer and Actor.

Lewis Watson;

Lewis is the Director,Co-editor, Head of Props, Camera operator, Storyboard creator, Advertisements and Actor.

Ethan Rundle;

Ethan is the Actor.

Non-real time used in our OTS;

In a team meeting we came up with a few films that we would use as inspiration when making our OTS, and one that stuck with us was the hit film 'Memento' because the film uses Non-real time which we decided we would use, because we thought that rewind motion at the end of our OTS would work nicely as it gives the viewer the feeling that they have missed something with in the OTS and that we have to go back to find out what it is if missed and in this case who the killers are.

I have worked to make this inspiration of the non-real time become reality within our OTS which we as a group are very happy with. 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Distribution + Exhibition for U.K audiences;

Genre, Audience and Institution;

Our ots is a modern intake on neo noir and it is a crime movie.

It is mainly aimed at men between 25 - 40 and would either be streamed online which is usually from a website with a range of films available for free which can be watched instantly on a laptop, ipad ect. 

Steaming online;

Picture house cinema;

Or shown in a picture house cinema which
is a network of art house cinemas in the U.K, they are usually small cinema's with smaller screens, more comfortable and better quality seating with a classical look to it. Picture house cinemas also show more varied, arty and alternative films which the larger cinemas would not choose to show. Our ots would be shown here as it does not have the quality's to be shown in a known cinema such as vue or odeon on a big screen because our ots does not include close ups and does not show expressions and feelings on the actors face which is very common in a cinema screening and also the lighting is extremely dark and dull which is not common in a recently made film aimed for the cinema franchise.